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 统筹安排 [tǒng chóu ān pái添加此单词到默认生词本
make overall arrangements
give overall consideration

  1. 按照先后次序和轻重缓急合理调剂、统筹安排工程建设资金;
    funds for projects shall be allocated in preferential orders and in accordance with their degree of importance.
  2. 统筹安排医院检查力量,着力加强农村和边远地区婴幼儿的排查和患儿收治工作。
    Check the power to co-ordinate arrangements for the hospital, efforts to strengthen rural and remote areas of infants and children with the investigation and treatment work.
  3. 女性可以做一些兼职,但并不是说必须立刻拥有这些兼职,我认为合理的统筹安排才是合理的做法。
    Women can have it all, just not necessarily all at once, I think a sequencing in and now out is very feasible.

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