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 统考 添加此单词到默认生词本
unified examination
uniform examination

  1. 统考作为临床医学专业人才培养的必须过程,实践意义重大。
    It is a necessary process for cultivation of the professionals of the clinic medicine and has practice significance.
  2. 二是我省高职统考将不再分考试类别,只分高职文、高职理、双特色三个科类。
    Second, the province will no longer be at higher test test categories, only the high points, higher grounds, three double-feature categories .
  3. 二是由我省统一组织的普通高校招收中职学校毕业生统一考试(简称高职统考)。
    Second, the reunification of the province by the organization to recruit college graduates from secondary vocational school examination (the higher Test).

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