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 统计函数 添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] statistical function

  1. 这篇文章打算帮助读者一步步地实现很多统计函数
    This article proposes to help the reader, step by step, carry out many statistical functions.
  2. 对比分析了用高阶统计函数构造矩阵的多种方法,得到两种较好的构造矩阵的方法。
    Methods used high-order statistics function to construct matrixes is studied and the best two methods are found.
  3. 通过对幂谱和统计函数的分析,得出股票市场时间序列的无标度性。
    Power spectrum analysis and statistical moment function on a range of scales revealed scaling qualities of the date from stock market.

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