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 空冷 添加此单词到默认生词本
air cooling

  1. 直接空冷凝汽器由多个直接空冷单元组成,因此,对直接空冷凝汽器单元的研究具有重要的意义。
    Because a direct air-cooled condenser consists of several direct air cooling units, studies on these units have great significances.
  2. 在多功能模拟轴系试验台上,对空冷型135 MW 汽轮发电机模拟转子系统进行了强迫响应试验。
    On a multifunctional shafting experiment equipment with adjustable bearing stiffness, the compelling response experiments were done on a 135 MW air cooling type turbo-generator.
  3. 按照该项目的设计条件,从技术经济上对汽泵和电泵方案进行详细比较,提出空冷机组给水泵配置的推荐意见。
    Recommendation for the configuration of feed water pump in air cooling units is given based on the design condition of the project and comparison between steam pump and electric pump economically.

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