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 空冷淬火 添加此单词到默认生词本
air hardening

  1. 采用高淬透性钢进行空冷淬火是一种减少铸件热处理变形和开裂的有效措施。
    It's a feasible practice to quench in air for castings made of steels with higher hardenability to reduce or avoid its deformation and crack during heat treatment process.
  2. 硬度能做到61——65hrc成熟工艺是:铸造后软化退火,便于加工,加工后空冷淬火加低温去应力回火。
    Hardness can do 61 — 65hrc maturation process is: annealing, softening after casting machining, machining of air cooling after quenching and low temperature stress tempering.
  3. 摘要:对980钢进行激光相变硬化研究,分别对其空冷和水淬火硬化层的宽度和深度进行测量,对其组织和硬化层硬度进行分析。
    Abstract: The research of laser transformation hardening on steel 980 has been done in this paper. The width, depth and microhardness of quench zone was measured.

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