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 空分设备 添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] air separation plant

  1. 公司开发研制了各种规格的全低压流程的空分设备
    The company developed a variety of specifications for the entire low-pressure flow of air separation plants.
  2. 空分设备有效能损失主要存在流体的压缩与膨胀、热交换、精馏、节流减压。
    The available energy loss of ASU lies in the gas compression , heat exchanging , distillation, and throttling depressurization process.
  3. 分析了KDON-250/1500型空分设备透平膨胀机发生故障的原因,介绍了故障处理的主要内容,并对引发故障的原因进行了总结和思考。
    The reasons for the turbine expander fault in a KDON-250/1500 air separation unit have been analyzed and summarized, follow by the introduction of the fault treatment.

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