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 离谱 [lí pǔ添加此单词到默认生词本
off limit
far away from what is normal

  1. 从模拟火山爆发到在天空中安放反射镜,一些地球工程方案真是非常“离谱”。
    From mimicking a volcanic eruption to mirrors in space, some geoengineering schemes are pretty far out there.
  2. 期望民主党一夜之间重新建立政府运行机制是相当离谱的,甚至如其所说四年间完成此目标也是苛求。
    It is a tall order to expect the DPJ to reinvent the machinery of government overnight, or even in the four years it says it needs.
  3. 虽说听起来离谱,但这并不是第一辆镀金车。卢梭说,已经有两辆这样的车了,但他拒绝透露具体情况。
    As outrageous as it sounds, the gold car isn't a first. Mr. Rousseau says there are already two such cars, but declined to give specifics.

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