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 禽痘 [qín dòu添加此单词到默认生词本
[兽医] fowl pox

  1. 野生鸟类已经感染了金丝雀病毒,企鹅们也因虐而伤痕累累。
    Wild birds have caught the canary pox virus, and penguins have been stricken by avian malaria.
  2. 第二种则是用了一个禽痘病毒,它通过基因重组被植入了部分H5N1的基因。 这种禽痘病毒产生了通常由H5N1复制生成的蛋白质,这些蛋白质激活了鸟类的免疫系统,但是不会引起感染。
    When injected into a bird, the inactive virus triggers the bird's immune system without causing an infection.
  3. 本发明描述了含有来自猪环状病*2的外源DNA的重组病*,例如禽痘病*。
    The invention describes a recombinant poxvirus, such as avi poxvirus, containing foreign DNA from porcine circovirus 2.

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