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[通信] off hook

  1. 萼片5,生,镊合状,通常具具的附属物在顶部。
    Sepals 5, free, valvate, usually with hooked appendages at tip.
  2. ⒉钳夹加压固定器和钳的位置应放在尺骨鹰嘴背侧,加压力线中性轴越远越好。
    The site of jaws and hook of PCEF were placed in the back of olecranon. Farther was the force line of PCEF from neutral axis, better was its effect.
  3. 两种内固定方式均能达到良好的三维固定效果,双侧经寰枢关节螺钉及寰椎椎板系统中经关节螺钉承担应力小,发生断几率低。
    Objectives To investigate the mechanical properties of bilateral atlantoaxial transarticular screws and atlas laminar hooks instrumentation with finite element method.

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