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 磷酸镁 [lín suān měi添加此单词到默认生词本
magnesium phosphate

  1. 结果表明:傅立叶变换红外光谱法可方便地鉴定出动物尿结石中的磷酸镁按(鸟粪石)、草酸钙、碳酸钙、尿酸等成分。
    The results indicated that the following components were easily identified: magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite), calcium oxalate, calcium carbonate, uric acid.
  2. 结果发现结石的种类有单水草酸钙、双水草酸钙、碳酸磷灰石、磷酸、双水磷酸氢钙及尿酸结石等。
    Components of the stones included whewellite, weddelite, carbonated-apatite, struvite, brushite and uric acid.
  3. 磷酸钠及硝酸钠用于隔离不能溶解的钙盐或盐,而从不锈钢表面去除沉积的无机物通常使用酸溶液,一般是用含氮酸或磷酸溶液。
    Phosphates and sodium nitrate are used for the sequestration of insoluble calcium or magnesium salts, while the task of removing mineral deposits from stainless steel surfaces is facilitated by the use of acid solutions, usually solutions of nitric or phosphoric acid.

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