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 磷酸镍 添加此单词到默认生词本
[无化] nickel phosphate

  1. 热法磷酸中含有少量重金属杂质,主要是铅以及微量的锌、铜、、锰、铬和镉等。
    Hot-process phosphoric acid contains a little impurities which are mainly Pb and very little Zn, Cu, Ni, Mn, Cr and Cd.
  2. 锂电池的正极一般是用磷酸锂铁制作,而乌鸦公司却使用能量密度更好地钴锰酸锂来制作锂电池正极。
    The positive electrodes are often made from lithium iron phosphate. Corvus, however, uses lithium nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) because it provides a greater energy density.
  3. 在无电镀浴中因次磷酸根氧化而产生的亚磷酸根离子,可以通过碱金属或碱土金属阳离子如钙的沉淀作用而去除。
    Orthophosphite ions produced by oxidation of hypophosphite in an electroless nickel plating bath can be removed by precipitation with an alkali metal or alkaline earth metal cation such as calcium.

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