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 磷钨酸 [lín wū suān添加此单词到默认生词本
[无化] phosphotungstic acid

  1. 将铑络合物担载于磷钨酸改性的载体上制备了一系列新型催化剂。
    A series of hydroformylation catalysts were prepared by supporting Rhodium complex in the supporters modified by phosphotungstic acid.
  2. 磷钨酸磷钨酸铝为催化剂,用乳和正丁合成了乳正丁酯。
    Synthesis of n-butyl lactate is catalyzed by phosphotungstic acid and aluminium phosphotungstate.
  3. 本文采用聚氯乙烯——尼龙6树脂;分离磷钨酸与其催化产物,达到较满意的效果。
    The Phosphonium Tungstic Acid and its catalysate can be separated by using Polyvingl chloride - Nylon 6 resin and the result is satisfactory.

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