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 碎片云 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 太空爱好者熬夜等待观看奇景,却没有在最初的影像中看到科学家许诺的碎片云尘。
    Space enthusiasts who stayed up all night to watch the spectacle did not see the promised debris plume in the initial images.
  2. 美国航天局的科学家曾希望这个撞击会抛起六英里高的月球尘埃和碎片云,通过对其扫描,可以找到结冰水的证据。
    Nasa scientists had anticipated that the impact would throw up a six-mile-high cloud of lunar dust and rock which could be scanned for evidence of frozen water.
  3. 通过与实验数据比较,该算法模拟的碎片云的形状及特征与实验相吻合,验证了光滑粒子法对冲击动力学问题数值模拟的有效性。
    The characteristics of the simulated debris clouds are in agreement with the experimental results, which show that SPH method is effective in modeling the hyperveloci…

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