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 碎石土 添加此单词到默认生词本
[地质] gravelly soil

  1. 碎石土广泛存在于三峡库区。
    There re lots of gravelly soils in the Three-Gorges Zone, China.
  2. 提出了一种利用模糊数学理论评判碎石土密实度的新方法,列举了一些应用实例。
    A new method to apply the fuzzy mathematics theory to assess the degree of density of broken stone is put forward, and some examples are given.
  3. 结合碎石土的特点,采用细粒含量控制试样的含水量,在同一竖向压力下制样。
    According to the feature of gravel-soil, the water content of sample is controlled by granule soil content and sampled under the same vertical pressure.

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