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 碎片离子 [suì piàn lí zǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
fragment ion

  1. 有些分子离子断裂成为较小的子离子和中性碎片
    Some of the molecular ions fragment into smaller daughter ions and neutral fragments.
  2. 通过解释谱图上的肽段质子化的离子峰和碎片峰,证明用本项技术测得的氨基酸顺序与已知的完全一致。
    Three peptides-heptapeptides, octapeptide and enneapeptides have beenchosen as examples, The results are as the known.
  3. 当被做成几纳米的碎片时——“一纳米相当于一米的十亿分之一”——它们将能释放出更多的离子,(杀菌)效应因此变得更强。
    When made into particles only a few nanometres big—a nanometer is a billionth of a metre—they shed a lot more ions and so become more potent.

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