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 砂磨 添加此单词到默认生词本
sand grind

  1. 氧化锆珠,砂磨机,相关备件。
    Zirconia beads, sanding machines, related spare parts.
  2. 所有室外扶手栏杆,凉台玻璃扶手上的金属牌,以及大门把手用砂磨不锈钢.
    All metal at exterior guards and railings, metal fascia at balcony below glass railing, and custom pulls at entry doors use brush stainless steel.
  3. 功能:篮式砂磨机操作简易、换色方便、适用于少量以及多种不同型式的原料打散。
    Function: Basket sand blasting machine is operational easily, convenient for color change and applicable for mixture and dispersion of materials of various types.

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