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 砂箱 添加此单词到默认生词本
foundry flask
molding box
sand jack
casting box

  1. 是否定期检查生产设备,比如,砂箱,插脚等,以保证其得到及时的维修及更换?
    Are periodic checks made on the production equipment such as flasks, pins, etc., to assure the replacement and repair of defective parts?
  2. 在实施过程中,必须根据其工艺特点,确定合适的起步产品,严格控制消失模和涂料的品质,合理选择砂箱和振实台。
    During the process of reformation, for stating the appropriate casting parts should be selected, the quality of pattern and coating should be strictly controlled, and the flask and vibrating platform need to be reasonably chosen according to its technological characterizations.
  3. 介绍几种控制辊颈缩松的措施及效果,包括:提高冒口铁液温度;增加二次冒口,用高碳铁液补注冒口,提高冒口液位并吹氧;提高砂箱刚度和型壁冷却能力;减少吃量。
    Some shrinkage controlling measures and their effects were introduced, including: increasing liquid iron temperature of the riser; adding secondary riser; re-pouring the riser with high CE iron liquid; controlling iron level and injecting oxygen; increasing rigidity and cooling capacity of the moulding box; reducing sand layer thickness.

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