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 砂轮主轴 添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] grinding wheel spindle

  1. 在磨削加工中,砂轮不平衡量是引起砂轮主轴系统振动、降低磨削质量的主要原因。
    In the course of the grinding process, the unbalance of the grinding wheel is the main reason for the vibration of the axis and the low grinding quality.
  2. 研究砂轮主轴偏心误差及垂直度误差对齿面误差的影响规律,目的是研究它们之间的定量关系。
    A study of the effect of grinding wheel spindle eccentricity errors and perpendicularity errors on tooth surface errors is presented, aimed to find the quantitative relationship between them.
  3. 砂轮主轴支承采用四片式长轴瓦动压轴承,主轴为陶瓷主轴,刚性好,精度高,稳定性好。
    The supporting principal axis of the grinding wheel adopts four-patch long bearing. The principal axis is made of porcelain, which is of good rigidity, of high precision and of excellent stability.

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