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 电烤箱 [diàn kǎo xiāng添加此单词到默认生词本
electric oven

  1. 本次毕业设计的题目是“电烤箱温度系统的建模与IMC控制”。
    The graduation design, the topic is"Electric oven temperature system modeling and IMC control".
  2. 产品范围包括电饭煲、电磁炉、饮水机、电风扇、榨汁机、电烤箱、咖啡壶等产品。
    Products include rice cookers, induction cooker, water dispenser, electric fans, juicer, electric ovens, coffee pots and other products.
  3. 适用于电热水器、电开水器、洗衣机、电烤箱、油炸锅等家用电器类的电热控制超温保护。
    It is suited f electric heater, cylinder washer, frying-pan electric oven other household electric appliances as electric-thermal control overheat protection.

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