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 电热水器 [diàn rè shuǐ qì添加此单词到默认生词本
electric water heater

  1. 应该定期检查阳极棒,为了延长热水器的使用寿命,在必要时,更换阳极棒。
    The magnesium anode rod should be inspected periodically and replaced when necessary to prolong tank life.
  2. 所订购的热水器必须是在美国国内制造,并且具有书面的3年防腐的内胆有限质量保证。
    Water heater(s) shall be manufactured in US and shall have a 3-year limited tank warranty against corrosion as outlined in the written warranty.
  3. 在安装热水器之前,关闭主供水阀门,打开水龙头将住宅内的水压释放掉,然后关闭水龙头。
    Before proceeding with the installation, close the main water supply valve, open a water faucet to relieve the house pressure and then close the faucet.

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