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 电烧伤 [diàn shāo shāng添加此单词到默认生词本
[外科] electric burn

  1. 方法采用小腿内侧皮瓣移植、血管桥接,修复腕部电烧伤后组织缺损,重建手部血运。
    Methods Adopt shank inboard skin petals of transplant, blood vessel bridge graft, repair wrist electricity organize flawed or damagedly after burning, Blood of rebuilding department luck.
  2. 目的探讨肢体电烧伤急诊手术的可行性,为降低肢体电烧伤的截肢率寻找一种有效的治疗方法。
    Objective To explore the possibility of emergent operation for electrical burn limb and find an effective treatment method to decrease the rates of amputation in these patients.
  3. 后者主要是弧伤害,表现为烙印、电烧伤、皮肤碳化,严重者可深及肌肉、骨骼和内部器官。
    Latter basically is electric arc harm, expression is carbonization of burn of electric brand, report, skin, serious person can reach muscle, skeleton and in-house organ greatly.

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