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 电火花试验 添加此单词到默认生词本
[电] spark test

  1. 文中对该方法的基本原理、基础试验以及新设计的电火花工业陶瓷钻头作了介绍。
    Its fundamental principle and testing method, and the drill specially designed are all introduced in detail.
  2. 利用国产铝粉作为混粉工作液的粉末添加剂,进行混粉电火花加工试验研究。
    The homemade aluminium powder was used as the additive for powder-mixed dielectric EDM and the experiments were made in the EDM-tool.
  3. 通过电火花修整试验研究了修整过程中的极性效应以及不同电参数对修整效率和整形精度的影响。
    Polarity effects and the influences of different electrical parameters on wheel dressing efficiency and accuracy were studied in the experiments.

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