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 熔化区 [róng huà qū添加此单词到默认生词本
melting zone
melt section
fnsion zone

  1. 熔化"
    melting area","
  2. 研究结果表明,当金属液中加入的形核剂熔化后,改变了其周围钢液微化学成分,造成成分起伏。
    The results show that constituent fluctuations are coming into being nearby the melted nuleating agents due to the changes of chemical composition in microzone.
  3. 文中给出的算例表明,适当控制通入的电流强度,可以达到有效控制裂尖熔化尺寸以及形成焊口的目的。
    If a current with proper intensity has been switched on, the goal of controlling the melting and welding dimension effectively around the crack tip can be obtained.

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