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 熔化热 添加此单词到默认生词本
fusion heat

  1. 将蚀除机理归纳为六种:升华、熔化剥离、整体颗粒移除、气化、再凝固粘附相的削离。
    The mechanisms could be classified as sublimation , melt , thermal spalling , detachment of grains , vaporization , and spalling of grains adhered to the surface by resolidified phase .
  2. 它们聚积的速度之快,使得过程中产生的热熔化了初生月球的外部,并产生了全球性的液态岩海,或称为岩浆。
    They accumulated so quickly that the heat generated by the process melted the outer portion of the nascent moon and formed a global ocean of liquid rock, or magma.
  3. 我们是泪花磁带制造商,头发金线,坚实红色,唯一银,热熔化,全息照相的等,所有大小是可利用的。我们的磁带广泛被应用在香烟,医学,视听产品包装与影片一起。
    Certificated ISO9001, ISO14000, OHSMS18000, all of our products are high in quality and lower in price. More information, pls feel free to contact me. Thanks!

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