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 熔化速率 [róng huà sù lǜ添加此单词到默认生词本
melting rate
rate of melting

  1. 文摘:研究了铁浴温度,球团矿碱度,球团矿预还原度等因素对预还原普通球团矿及预还原钒钛球团矿熔化速度的影响,计算了球团矿熔化的表观活化能,建立了实验条件下球团矿熔化速率方程。
    Abstract: The effect of hot metal bath temperature, pellet basicity and pellet pre-reducibility on melting rates of the pre-reduced ore and the pre-reduced vanadic titanomagnetite pellet is studied.Apparent activation energy of the pellet melting is calculated and the equation of the melting rate of pellet under the condition of laboratory is established.

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