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 炮兵武器 添加此单词到默认生词本
artillery weapon

  1. 作为例子,建立了炮兵武器装备研制规划方案的风险决策分析模型。
    As an example, a risk decision analysis model for artillery weapon development plans is given.
  2. 最后,在解决了软件实现过程中所遇问题的基础上,开发了一套炮兵武器装备费用估算软件模块。
    Finally, with the problems being solved in the process of programming, I develop a suit of applications software for cost estimate of artillery weapon equipments based on users' demands.
  3. 因此,必须科学地估算炮兵武器装备的寿命周期费用,以提高武器装备采办效率和经费使用效益。
    So we must estimate the LCC (Life Cycle cost) of artillery equipments with scientific methods, so that we can improve the efficiency of the acquisition and using cost.

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