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 炮声 [pào shēng添加此单词到默认生词本
the sound of artillery
thunder of guns
report of gun
roar of guns

  1. 战船突然发出震耳欲聋的炮声
    All at once there was a deafening roar from the warship.
  2. 在我的梦中,我再次听到炮声霹雳、枪声劈啪,和战场上怪异而悲怆的低沉隆隆之声。
    In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange mournful mutter of the battlefield.
  3. 在《向总统致敬》的音乐声伴随着如雷贯耳的炮声中,军队荣誉警卫队带着福特总统的棺木走下了国会大楼。
    To the strains of " Hail to the Chief " and the thunder of cannon-fire , a military honor guard carried President Ford's casket down the steps of the Capitol building.

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