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 炮制 添加此单词到默认生词本
processing drugs
prepare (Chinese medicine)

  1. 第二天他依法炮制,然后把做好的鱼肉送给了一些美食作家和同事。
    The next day, he whipped it up and offered it to some food writers and colleagues.
  2. 而且,你们的娱乐业在幸福、成功和美丽等方面充满了错误的暗示,这对任何人都没有好处,除了那些炮制它们的人。
    Also, your entertainment industry is full of false images about happiness, success and beauty, which serve no one except the ones who construct them.
  3. 看看第一次世界大战,这场战争爆发的原因荒谬之极,却把几乎整个欧洲还有美国都拖下了水,而后没过几十年它又来了一次“自我炮制”,也就是第二次世界大战。
    Think of World War I, which breaks out for no good reason at all, draws in most of Europe as well as the United States, and then "reproduces" itself, after a couple of decades, as World War II.

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