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 潮汐力 添加此单词到默认生词本
tidal force

  1. 现在我们可以导出潮汐力了。
    We are now in a position to introduce tidal forces.
  2. 那么,光环可以通过像刀一样的潮汐力将小行星的冰质幔层剥离破碎形成。
    The rings could then be formed simply by 'peeling off ' the satellite's icy mantle from the core using the planet's tides as a knife 4–6.
  3. 在数值与解析模型中详细的描述了潮汐力快速变化对环土星卫星的作用。
    Enter Canup, who describes the details of a numerical and analytical model for tidal splitting of a differentiated satellite around Saturn.

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