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 潮汐日 添加此单词到默认生词本
tidal day

  1. 因此,生物功能的时间和节奏必须与太阳潮汐、月球周期和季节等周期性事件密切契合。
    Consequently, the timing and rhythms of biological functions must closely match periodic events like the solar day, the tides, the lunar cycle, and the seasons.
  2. 如果没有外界提示信号,这种差异就会积累,生物的常内部调节活动就继续进行,像与太阳有关的潮汐活动那样。
    Without the external cue, the difference accumulates and so the internally regulated activities of the biological day drift continuously, like the tides, in relation to the solar day.
  3. 据英国广播公司(BBC)1月19报道,英国亚特兰提斯资源公司计划在印度西海岸的库奇海湾兴建一座潮汐电厂。 该电厂的规模达50兆瓦,工程将于2012年初开始,次年竣工。
    The company Atlantis Resources is to install a 50MW tidal farm in the Gulf of Kutch on India's west coast, with construction starting early in 2012.

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