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 潮汐预报 [cháo xī yù bào添加此单词到默认生词本
tide prediction

  1. 预报结果和潮汐表比较,结果表明,此方法可行,预报精度比潮汐表略有提高。
    The comparison shows that the method is feasible andthe prediction by this method is preciser than the tide table.
  2. 很清楚,情况并非如此。假如真是这样,潮汐预报可能已发布几个世纪了(事实并非如此)。
    This is clearly not the case, if it were true, prediction of the tides could have been done for centuries.
  3. 方国洪、郑文振、陈宗镛、王骥,1986.潮汐和潮流的分析和预报.海洋出版社.共474页.
    Fang, G., W. Zheng, Z. Chen and J. Wang, 1986. Analysis and Prediction of Tides and Tidal Currents. China Ocean Press, Beijing, 474pp.

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