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 滤泡细胞 添加此单词到默认生词本
follicular cells
follicule cell

  1. 因此我们认为,电脑辅助形态测定研究法并不适合用来评估甲状腺滤泡细胞癌的预后情形。
    In conclusion, nuclear morphometry does not seem to correlate with known prognostic factors and cannot serve as an additional predicting factor for biologic behavior.
  2. 因此我们认为,计算机辅助形态测定研究法并不适合用来评估甲状腺滤泡细胞癌的预后情形。
    In conclusion, nuclear morphometry does not seem to correlate with known prognostic factors and cannot serve as an additional predicting factor for biologic behavior.
  3. 摘要本研究主要探讨在甲状腺滤泡细胞癌中肿瘤细胞之电脑辅助形态测定研究与预后因子之关联性。
    This study investigates the correlation between computer-assisted nuclear morphometry and known prognostic factors in thyroid follicular carcinoma.

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