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 滤浆 [lǜ jiāng添加此单词到默认生词本
[纸] filter pulp

  1. 后油的产品质量达到了设计要求,大大提高了油的利用价值。
    The quality of the filtered catalytic oil slurry satisfied the design demand, the application value of the catalytic oil slurry was greatly increased.
  2. 主要用于为各种类型喷塔及压机供亦可用来长距离输送泥、清(污)水、煤或其他悬浮液。
    It is mainly used to supply the slip for all kinds of spraying dry tower and filter presses; the machine also be used to supply the slurry water, sewage, coal slip and other suspensions.
  3. 主要用于为各种类型喷塔及压机供亦可用来长距离输送泥、清(污)水、煤或其他悬浮液。
    the machine also be used to supply the slurry water, sewage, coal slip and other suspensions.

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