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 滤波电路 [lǜ bō diàn lù添加此单词到默认生词本
filter circuit

  1. 摘要提出两种使用单运放的电流型滤波电路,每种电路均可同时实现带通、低通和高通滤波功能.
    Abstract This paper gives two kinds of single operational amplifer � current-mode active filter circuits. They can realize lowpass, highpass and � bandpass without changing circuit topology and element.
  2. 最终制造出达到设计预期要求的高性能有源带通滤波电路
    At last, the integrated Active Filters that accord with this thesis's request is developed.
  3. 摘要提出一种使用第二代电流传输器构成的二阶带通有源滤波电路,它既可实现电压滤波功能,也可实现电流滤波功能.
    Abstract The paper gives a circuit of second band active filter � made of secondary current transmitter, It not only is of the function � of the voltage filter, but also the current one.

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