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 源信息 [yuán xìn xī添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. 请输入正确的软件源信息
    Please input the correct information about sources!
  2. 遥感多源信息融合是近几年来国际遥感界研究的热点,并成为解决多海量数据融合以提取有用信息的关键技术之一。
    Recently, multi-source data fusion is the hotspot of international remote sensing research, and it becomes the key technique of the useful information segmentation from mass data.
  3. 参考文献资料以及火情监测人员的实践经验设计出亮温法,光谱阀值-植被指数法,光谱阀值-多源信息法三种火情监测方法。
    Consult reference papers and the practice of fire monitor personnel work out three kinds of fire monitor method: Bright temperature model, spectrum-VI model, and spectrum-multiple source model.

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