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 源带 [yuán dài添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] source tape

  1. 平面电感的近场耦合问题通过一个无源带通滤波电路加以讨论。
    Its near-field coupling is discussed based on a passive band-pass filter contained PCB planar inductors.
  2. 田彩霞和吕沁源带着队伍上前线,董秋实设酒送别,等候她成功归来。
    TianCaiXia and LvQinYuan with the team for the front DongQiuShi set, wine, waiting for the return of her success farewell.
  3. 由理论分析、软件仿真结果可知:在相同的条件下,如果参考的相位噪声良好,分谐波采样式锁相与直接分频式锁相相比可得到更低的输出相位噪声,锁相振荡外噪声将主要由环路中的压控振荡器所决定。
    It shows that if the same VCO and reference source are used, the phase noise of the sub-harmonic sampling phase-lock loop will be lower than that of a direct division phase-lock loop.

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