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 源材料 添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. 利用中文与英文的源材料,她用详尽而引人入胜的细节重述了这段时期的事件。
    Drawing on original sources in Chinese and English, she recounts the events of the period in fascinating detail.
  2. 讨论了不同炭源材料转变成金刚石的行径与影响合成效果的因素。
    The way of different carbon source materials transformed the diamond and the factors influence on synthetic effect are discussed.
  3. 讨论了不同炭源材料转变金刚石的行径与影响转变效果的因素。
    It also discusses transforming ways of different types of coal-source materials to diamond and influential elements of transforming effect.

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