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 油苗 [yóu miáo添加此单词到默认生词本
oil seepage

  1. 第一次突破,从油苗到背斜理论;
    The first breakthrough—from oil seepage to the anticlinal theory;
  2. 塔里木盆地东南断隆区若羌-民丰坳陷若羌河油苗的发现对指导该区勘探有非常积极的作用。
    The discovery of oil show in Ruoqianghe area of Minfeng-Ruoqiang depression of the Tarim basin has profound significant for petroleum exploration in the area.
  3. 最近,我们在西藏乌郁盆地日贡拉组发现了油苗(沥青脉)及500余米厚的暗色泥质生油岩。
    Recently, the bitumen within Rigongla formation of Wuyu basin in Tibet and 500 meters of dark shale rocks in the basin have been discovered.

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