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 油藏工程 添加此单词到默认生词本
reservoir engineering

  1. 该研究结果为气顶油藏水平井的油藏工程设计提供了依据。
    This can supply basis for reservoir engineering design of the horizontal wells in gas cap reservoir.
  2. 油藏地球化学是一个新兴的地球化学分支学科,是传统的有机和无机地球化学与油藏工程紧密结合的产物。
    Oil reservoir geochemistry is a newly rising offset subject of geochemistry, and plays an important role in exploration and development of oil and gas.
  3. 围绕高含水期井网综合调整这一核心,通过系统的开发地质及油藏工程的研究,取得了一些重要的成果和认识。
    Focusing on the heart of comprehensive well pattern adjustment, some important outcomes and knowledge are elicited through the systemic studies of geology and reservoir engineering.

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