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 油费 添加此单词到默认生词本
oil cost

  1. 每周省下20%的油费的秘诀是——每周搭一次便车。
    The secret to cutting your gasoline bill by 20% is to carpool once a week.
  2. 骑自行车不仅可以节省油费,同时也可以让你不必交昂贵的健身房会员就能够达到锻炼身体的效果。
    Bicycling not only saves fuel, but it can also help keep you in shape without an expensive gym membership.
  3. 这样能让你减少油费、停车、保养和保险等支出。
    Then you can avoid the expense of gas, maintenance, parking, and insurance as well as a car payment.

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