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 沙里淘金 [shā lǐ táo jīn添加此单词到默认生词本
sift sand for gold
extract the essential from a large mass of material

  1. 但是要找这样的贴子越来越像沙里淘金,难上加难。
    But such posts increasingly look like gems among dross.
  2. 有时候您需要沙里淘金,但请坚持寻找 - 它们早就等在那了。
    Sometimes you need to dig around to find the gems, but keep looking -- they're there.
  3. 即使他们不这样做,这个世界毕竟是一个充满新科学的世界,会权威性的刊物站出来沙里淘金
    Even if they do not, with a world awash in new science the prestigious journals provide an informed filter.

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