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 沙障 [shā zhàng添加此单词到默认生词本
sand-protecting barrier

  1. 不同风速下,不同规格沙障间积沙厚度差异显著。
    The thickness of deposited sand have notable difference to different size barriers with different wind speed.
  2. 障中的增速区是引起沙障中部不积沙或少积沙的诱因。
    And the wind speedup region of middle barriers provided occasion for no or less deposited sand in barriers middle.
  3. 在裸沙地和流动沙丘通过沟施营养调理剂改良土壤促进的天然植被快速恢复,通过生物网格沙障固沙为植被恢复提供适宜的环境条件。
    In sandface and mobile sand dune, in order to accelerate the recovery of vegetation the nutrients should be enriched by application of nutritious regulator, and in order to improve …

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