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 沙金 [shā jīn添加此单词到默认生词本
alluvial gold
placer gold

  1. 早期淘金热的时光一去不复返了,那时的淘金者,就像传说中的“先驱49人”一样,仅仅是从溪水中通过简单的过滤获得天然沙金
    The days are gone when most gold was gathered by people like the “49ers” of California’s gold rush, who merely sifted water to remove nuggets.
  2. 施特劳斯当场用一根带子量了那人的腰围和裤长,用帆布做成了一条粗硬的耐穿的裤子,卖了六美元的沙金
    On the spot, Strauss measured the man's girth and inseam with a piece of string and, for six dollars in gold dust, had [the canvas] tailored into a pair of stiff but rugged pants.
  3. 县城东部的沙金自然林区,总面积36万亩,有大小旅游景点20多处,怪石林立,溪水多色,令人流连忘返。
    Alluvial gold in eastern county of natural forest, with a total area of 36 mu, there are 20 scenic spots in various sizes, numerous rock formations, streams multi-color, forget it.

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