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 残遗种 添加此单词到默认生词本
deleted species

  1. 从其分布区类型和形态特征上推断本,起源地可能就在劳亚古陆的南部,当今它的分布区这一范围内。
    Based on the distributional and morphological characters,the auther supposes that the origin of this species is located in the south area of Laurasia and become a survivor up to now.
  2. 少数或其后裔可追溯到它们的古地中海起源,特别是古南大陆起源,这对说明所研究地区的植物区系起源是很重要的资料。
    A few relic species or their descendants might be traced to their origin of the Tethys,mainly the Gondwanaland, that are very important data for explaining the origin of flora in the studied arca.

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