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 殖民政策 添加此单词到默认生词本
colonial policy

  1. 他们在国内外维持殖民政策,参与了对海外平民的折磨与谋杀。
    They have perpetuated colonialism at home and abroad. They have participated in the torture and murder of innocent civilians overseas.
  2. 因为这套法案源自于当年英国意图同化原住民的强制殖民政策,当然就构成充分理由,足以撤销这套法案啰?
    Surely that is reason enough to want rid of legislation whose origins go back to when the thrust of British colonial policy was to assimilate the Indians?
  3. 在乔伊斯看来,爱尔兰的落后与苦难不能单方面归咎于英国殖民政策,同时必须反思爱尔兰自身的堕落。
    As far as Joyce is concerned, the drawback of Ireland is not only due to Britain's colonial policy, but also closely related to the decadence of Ireland itself.

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