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 殖民地间的 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 问题是,人们把月球看成了类似阿森松岛的东西,一个人类的各个殖民地间的中转站。这些殖民地在未来的某一天有可能相互往来贸易。
    It's the problem of seeing the moon as a kind of Ascension Island, midway between human colonies that might some day trade with one another.
  2. 她在莫特斯塔绿洲殖民地附近当牧场雇员,驯服和放牧杰尔巴兽。她住在那里一被舍弃的小屋子里。
    She worked as a ranch hand taming and herding terras near the Motesta Oasis colony, where she resided in a small hut that had been deserted.
  3. 殖民地人民的悲惨历史,大国连绵不断的冲突,特别是两次世界大战,都给人类留下了沉痛的历史教训。
    The tragic history of colonial people, the endless conflict between major powers, especially the two world wars, have left painful lessons in the history of mankind.

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