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 档差 添加此单词到默认生词本
[地物] range difference

  1. 第三,根据纸样放缩原则设计并编制服装档差计算软件。
    Thirdly, on the base of grade rules we design and complete the grade calculate software.
  2. 在现代船舶柴油机的检修中,经常用测量拐档差的方法来检查曲轴轴线的状态和主轴承的磨损情况。
    The alignment and wearing of the main bearing are often checked by crankshaft deflection measurement in overhauling modern marine diesel engine.
  3. 在服装推板的教学和应用过程中,某些结论或较复杂部位的档差往往令人费解。
    In the process of teaching and practicing in the garment grading, some conclusions either variations of more complex position often make us obscure.

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