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 档期 [dàng qī添加此单词到默认生词本
date of performance

  1. 共巡迴了94个城市,目前档期已预约到2007年12月。
    Tour 2 has played in 94 cities /(with 48 repeat visits) and is currently booked through until December 2007.
  2. 而梅艳芳正忙着举办个人演唱会,档期一直排到了12月15日,也腾不出时间。
    Anita Mui is busy preparing for her own concert, according to her schedule she will come to Beijing on Dec 15th.
  3. 我负责安排录音档期,包括预定录音棚、组织音乐人,以及坐在录音棚里监听录音。
    I am responsible for arranging recording sessions, including booking studios, organising musicians and also sitting in the studio to supervise the recordings.

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