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 档案管理员 添加此单词到默认生词本
filing clerk

  1. 开启新的档案管理员视窗,并在它的父目录显示此连结的目标。
    Opens a new file manager window showing the target of this link, in its parent directory.
  2. 凯斯对同在一个办公室的美女档案管理员痴迷很久后,终于鼓起勇气请她共进午餐。
    Long besotted with the pretty file clerk who worked in his office, Keith finally worked up the nerve to ask her out to lunch.
  3. 失业大多发生在打字员、秘书、档案管理员和接线员等旧行业中。
    Job losses occurred in old vocations such as typists, secretaries, filing clerks, switchboard operators etc.

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