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 标线漆 添加此单词到默认生词本
marking paint

  1. 高压路面清扫机是热熔、冷标线施工中的辅助设备。主要用于路面上泥浆浮土以及冷标线的清除工作。
    This machine does cleaning work depending on that the engine driving the steel wire going around and grinding.
  2. 高压路面吹风机是热熔、冷标线施工中的辅助设备,用于道路施工前的清扫工作。
    This machine is the assistant equipment for fusing and cold varnish index line construction. It is mainly applied to the cleaning work before the road index line construction.
  3. 道路划线分为:热熔标线,常温冷标线,彩色防滑标线,振荡防滑反光标线和预成型标线
    Roadmarking divided into: hot melt reticule, normal temperature cold paint line, color antiskid reticule, oscillation antiskid reflect light marking and processing preforms reticule.

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